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Alice can send Native and ERC20 token to multiple users on the same chain within one transaction
Alice can send funds to Charlie and Bob on the destination chain in one transaction, supporting both native and ERC20 tokens.
Native Tokens (ETH): On the source chain, ETH is converted into SuperchainWETH via a predeploy contract. This SuperchainWETH is transferred cross-chain and received as SuperchainWETH on the destination chain.
ERC20 Tokens: If the token is a SuperchainERC20, it is transferred directly using predeploy contracts for seamless cross-chain execution.
All operations are handled efficiently in a single transaction using Superchain's infrastructure.
Alice can send tokens to bob and charlie on one chain and to dev on a different chain within one transaction
Alice can transfer token to bob Charlie and dev on destination chain but doesn't know their preference chain prederence but he know their token preferecne which has been provided by them to the contract.
Smart Disperse will compare the best output value for swapping the token on both the chains and choose to swap them accordingly
Alice can transfer token to bob Charlie and dev on destination chain he knows their preference chain and their token preference which has been provided by them to the contract of smart disperse
Smart Disperse will compare the best output value for swapping the token on all the chains and choose to swap them accordingly
Smart Disperse will compare the best output value for swapping the token on all the chains and choose to swap them accordingly